Bank of England: Paltry Returns on Bank Cash Frustrates UK Businesses
UK CFO’s have a bit more to cheer about as the UK banks are paying more for their bank funds. However in many cases the increase in deposit rates will be offset by the increased cost of borrowing. …
Bank of England: June Interest Rates Report Commentary
The June statistical release from the Bank of England shows an improvement in the UK banks deposit rates for businesses but this improvement continues to lag the increases in the base rate. …
Poor EU Bank Yields despite Heightened Risk
New EU rules for dealing with bank failures are still not implemented leaving the position of uninsured depositors (bank balances over €100,000) uncertain. …
Friendly Fraud Surpasses Criminal Fraud for Online Merchants
The ECB recently published its annual card fraud report for 2021 which shows CNP fraud at its lowest levels since records began and a 12% reduction on the previous year. …
Bank of England: higher interest rates mean UK Businesses are losing more to the banks
Recently published data (January Statistics) from the Bank of England shows the increasing spread (net interest margin) cost for companies. PNFCs deposits & loans A PNFC is a private non-financial corporation. …
UK’s Supreme Court Lands Heavy Blow Against Visa and Mastercard
In a historic victory for merchants, the UK’s Supreme Court has unanimously upheld the Court of Appeal’s previous ruling, finding that interchange fees do amount to a restriction of competition, insofar as they set a floor, below which merchants cannot negotiate with their acquirer. …
Brexit Could Increase Card Fees by Millions
Brexit Could Increase Card Fees by Millions but the Regulators Don’t Care. Most merchants have seen card fees reduce significantly in the last few years and this would be set to continue if it were not for… erm, Brexit. …
US Merchants Still Overpaying by Millions on PIN Debit
Back in 2010, when the world was still reeling from a global recession, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was enacted in the US, a law which affected almost every part of the nation’s financial services industry. …
Record-Breaking Results for AMEX
Record-Breaking Results For AMEX As It Maintains Its Illegal Merchant Fees In Europe. AMEX released its results for Q2 in July which show that its interest income has grown nearly 80% …
Hotel and Car-Hire Companies Reaping Rewards From Interchange Claims
Interchange claims may be more lucrative for hotel and car-hire companies. …